Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 83: C is for Cookie

Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/4, 1/50, ISO 400)

I've satisfied my cookie urges for a long, long time.  About a year and a half ago, my friend Dylan brought cookies to a study session for a bunch of us.  The cookies were great, but what really caught my attention was the huge experiment of a cookie that he was gnawing on.  He offered to make me one at a later date, and I've been hounding him ever since about it.  As you can see, he came through.  I barely made it through one and a half.
 "No Justin, no."
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 200)

The cookies however, were not the only highlight of the day.  As Wednesday was also the day we (Justin, Andrei, Jelena, KG, and I) were working to complete our Marketing assignment due the next day.  It was relatively extensive, and being the procrastinators that we were we left it to the last minute which ultimately led to an overnight stay at Ryerson. 

"I pointed to the green one!"
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/2.8, 1/160, ISO 200)

Of course, despite the looming deadline we totally did not start working on it right away after class finished for the day.  Much of it consisted of making rounds for food, segwaying into other topics, and fighting off the urge to play Age of Empires 3, which has recently become our go-to LAN game.

Working hard, or hardly working?
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/4, 1/50, ISO 400)

Eventually as the afternoon wound down and we ended up getting kicked out of the Student Lounge that we so often hang out in, we settled for an empty classroom to start work.  It went on for a couple of hours until I broke the productivity cycle by electing to grab some food.  Some others followed suit.  The remainder of the time in that room was marked off with more off-topic discussions, Jelena's departure, Lindsay showing up, and Andrei's phone battery dying. 

Bay Street
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/4.5, 1.3, ISO 200)

Of course, no overnight stay would be without some non-candid photography, and as such I took some time during our off-topic ramblings to take some long-exposures.  I had not planned on staying overnight, so I was without my Gorillapod, but the window I was shooting from was fairly recessed into the wall, allowing me plenty of room to sit and use the window to brace my camera (albeit at an angle) while resting my elbow on my leg.  It's as handheld as I'll probably get for a long-exposure.  Suffice to say, I was pretty impressed with the results, given the conditions.

 No lounging around here...
(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/2.8, 1/50, ISO 640)

At around 10:00 PMish we relocated back to the Student Lounge since there were couches (not that any of us really slept) and more than likely more space for us to work in.  At this point we had begun to really start hammering away at the report and we would do so well into the next day.

More to come.

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