Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60: Nuts For You

(Nikon D90,18-55 VR @ 22mm, f/4, 1/10, ISO 1600)

A pretty slow, sleep-deprived Monday as usual.  Went to the Ginseng studio in the afternoon, although this time around there only Bronf was there.  We went through some video stuff before havnig the conversation broken up by my growling stomach.  It's not like had starved myself prior to coming over; I ate my sandwhich during History class but apparently that was doing very little to curb my discontent crap-factory. 

Having little else at the moment to offer besides water, Bronf motioned over to a box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts.  Now to explain what happens next requires a bit of backstory.  See, a few weeks prior Aaron, one of the Ginseng radio hosts decided to make a short 'behind-the-scenes' video in Bronf's basement with the station's camcorder.  In summary, a good portion of it was a running joke about how Aaron likes snacking on a particular brand of nuts - que perverted snickers and jeers!

In any case with that video still fresh in our minds (and me being sleep-deprived) there was a lengthy exchange of nut jokes that I will withhold from posting for the sake of you, the reader.  On the flip-side, they were really good, considering I am not a fan of either chocolate OR nuts; having both is just insane.

Of course, anything tastes good when you're hungry, no?  More tomorrow.

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