Sunday, January 3, 2010

Days 2 and 3: Out of Sync

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/4, 1/60, ISO 200, Flash TTL)

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/4, 1/100, ISO 100, Flash @ +1.0 EV TTL)

We`re only three days into 2010 and already my sleeping schedule is messed up.  The first few hours of Saturday were spent waiting for 5 AM to pass by, because that was the official start time for first year students to make scheduling adjustments for the following semester at Ryerson.  Go figure I didn`t get the slot I wanted, but at least all my courses were there and I`ve had worse schedules in the past.  Giving up hitting F5 waiting for the spot to open, I opted to go downtown in the wee-hours of the morning to attend a Henry`s gift card giveaway with the hopes of scoring a $500 gift certificate.

I ended up walking around the block twice, in and out of buildings/Path before I eventually gave up and stood first in line, afterwards a few people also arrived and we struck up an ad-hoc conversations for an hour and a half in the freezing cold.  Now, these coupons varied in value so it was very possible to get screwed over with $10 for waiting 90 minutes.  Such was almost the case, though I came out a little better with $25.  My three anonymous line-mates didn't fare so well.  I left shortly thereafter with a couple of SDHC cards.

A long transit, hot-shower, and quick nap later was a meet up with some folks from Ginseng Radio.  Much food, Dragonball, and audio-filter fun (pictured, top) was had by all. :-)  Back home, its about midnight and I frantically work to finish editing/burning DVDs for some friends with whom I shot softball for.  Finish at 6 AM, get ready to catch some shuteye and wake up to a phone call at 11:45 AM... (which was the time I had planned on arriving there).  Oops.  Had this been a paying gig I probably would be shitting my pants, and there will always be another day down the road to deliver them (I was informed "no rush", in a wierd twist of irony).  Fall back asleep and wake up at 5 PM today to realize it had snowed a fair amount.

Having nothing else to shoot and still somewhat groggy, I decided to take a photo (pictured, bottom) of Dojo (left) and Spike (right).  Fans of Bear in the Big Blue House will recognize Dojo as 'Ojo'.  I did not know of the show's existence when I had purchased Dojo at Disneyworld over a decade ago, only that the bear was named Ojo.  My older brother Vic wittingly named his Mojo and I, being a copycat chose Dojo.  It stuck ever since.  Even my parents remember their names.  Spike on the other hand, is several years older.  I got him when I was around five or six, I don't exactly recall.  I played with him a lot and used to carry him around practically everywhere.  I consider him to be the 'ringleader' of all of my stuffed animals.

Yes that sounded a little creepy but hey, everyone has their own little niche thing no?

Next stop...

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