Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28: Through The Lens

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/1.8, 1/320, ISO 200)
Finally, a Thursday off.  Ironically it only happened because of a scheduling conflict, which was caused by an appointment with the optometrist.  At least I got to sleep in.

The check-up was pretty routine.  Apparently my eyes for the most part have stopped getting worse (the left one went up a bit, but not too much).  Granted, my eyes are already FUBAR most likely from years of watching TV and staring at the computer screen.  I've always worn glasses since I was seven.  My world from then on as far as vision goes has been dictated by light entering through two pieces of plastic held together by a metal frame.  

I've since broken one pair because my face used to be a magnet for basketballs - a contributing factor to why I don't like playing basketball, or sports in general.  I've always been cautious about not getting my glasses hit and now it's taking a toll on me since it's the general reason why I shy away from them.  I've never worn contacts nor do I really give it much consideration.  Not only am I a clutz but I double as a lazy person which probably doesn't work well with inserting contacts into one's eye.  Glasses on the other hand can be taken on and off with ease.  With photography I've also been a bit annoyed by the smudge left behind on my lens should it make contact with the rubber eyepiece on my camera.  

Minor quibbles aside, I'm not at all soured by wearing glasses.  After all, they allow me to see.  Although my Physics teacher in Grade 11 made it a note to make fun of us nearsighted people by joking about how what we see isn't actually 'real'; it's an optics thing and one that I sort of forgot.  While I may not have absorbed much in his class he was nonetheless a great teacher.

Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have a new pair of frames.

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