Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1: Resolution

(Nikon D60, 18-55mm VR DX @ 28mm, f/8, 1/5, ISO 200, Flash @ -2.0 EV TTL)

I am such a messy slob, errr- Happy 2010 folks! 

New year, first blog!  I had thought about doing this for a while, but figured I never really had much to talk about.  Not much has changed, except that I've now picked up a camera.

2009 would've been like any other year, were it not riddled with numerous pictures documenting it at various points.  Though I was happy with many of my photos, I felt that many of them were "serious".  Thus, in the spirit of the new year, I've opted to take on a challenge that is often discussed about in photography circles: Project 365.  In short, its essentially taking a picture for every day of the year.  Trust me, it tougher than you probably think, but I'm confident that I can pull it off, or very close to it.  I figure if I miss a day or two it won't be the end of the world, because you know how shit happens sometimes.  

And... that's about it really.   Sorry about the really crappy introduction.  Occasionally I'll post about things relevant to your typical Canasian but this blog will be primarily photography-driven.

Crap, first day and I've already procrastinated.

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