Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18: Someone's Got a Case of the Mondays

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/1.8, 1/30, ISO 200)

Good times.  We were totally supposed to get work done today, but ended up accomplishing nothing.  Still, with the help of a red dry-erase marker, an empty room, and a lot of movies we managed to pass time.  Today was one of those days I guess.  I'm glad I had several hours of sleep "banked" prior to today.  It really helps with the whole "not feeling like dying" after your last class.

Of course, Mondays look like they're going to be my favourite day of the semester, even with class at 8 AM.  The week in general is made bearable by the fact that I'm with my good friends (like KG, pictured above!) and Monday adds to that by throwing in a decent amount of women in both my Marketing and History class.  Now, you may think that may come off as a bit wierd or that I'm some sort of creepy perv, but one needs to realize that the number of women in a program such as IT Management, or Computer Science, or Engineering is pretty low, and most classes are generally a sausagefest where you can count the number of women on one hand.  Two if you're lucky, but I digress.

Of course, I actually do pay attention in both classes.  Both professors are great, and despite being only two weeks in I'd totally recommend HST802 (Second World War) with Olivier Courteaux to any Ryerson students who are considering an elective and enjoy history even the slightest bit.  This ain't your father/mother's history class.  Still, waking up early and transiting has taken it's toll, and I'm beat.

'Nother 8 AM start tomorrow.

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