Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21: Between The Lines

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/1.8, 1/60, ISO 800)

Before anyone gets any ideas, I did not get arrested.  Although I owe credit to my buddy Gerald for coercing me over so I could get a picture of him in front of the squad car.  This was the one just prior.  We had been walking to the subway stop when we saw it make a right at Yonge and Dundas (heading east).  Partially expecting some sort of awesome takedown (hey, anything can happen in the heart of Toronto), we were disappointed to find it appeared to be only a traffic stop.  Gerald, nonetheless wanted to his photo taken and proceeded to politely ask if he could do so with the officers (flashing his credentials probably helped a bit too). 

(Nikon D60, 35mm DX, f/1.8, 1/60, ISO 800, Pop-Up Flash)

Night and street shots are generally my weakest.  This probably isn't a terrible photo by any means; it fairly well and the flash worked fairly well as a fill light, but I don't feel like I've found the magic to shooting at night to take advantage of that awesome dynamic range.  Guess that's something I'll have to keep working on.

Oh, and yes I did purposely blow-out the car's license plate in the very top photo.  I make it a habit to do so for pretty much any license plate that worms its way into my photograph. 

In keeping with the title (and because I promised to), yesterday's day was largely centred on our Communication class.  To me it's one of those classes that belong in the realm of very useful but incredibly flat delivery (you know, like much of elementary school).  I like how I learn about how to properly write business letters and maintain good form; I'm a stickler for poor grammer and awkward sounding sentences.  However, to be taught in a flat monotone voice for several hours generally leads to a snoozefest, as mentioned yesterday.  For the last half of the class we wrote a claim letter as part of our first assignment (worth 15%!).

Writing what equates to probably a little over a dozen lines has never been so difficult.  Ever.  Hopefully it went alright.  Of course, being a Nikon shooter I wrote one 'addressed' to Nikon Canada.  Even though it was fake their PR and QC control have been spotty as of late, with Nikon Europe addressing a cosmetic issue with their new AF-S 70-200 VR II N issue today, not to mention the D5000 recall several months ago but I digress.

After Communication we settled in to do a Statistics assignment that had been assigned the day prior.  Completing that rather shortly (it was a pretty simple assignment) we proceeded to unnecessarily (as I found out today after speaking with the professor) beat our brains stupid trying to come up with a program for solving our Programming Class' assignment with the concepts that have been currently taught to us.  Go figure we didn't have to actually do a flowchart with code (as I was taught to) and could instead just use 'plain English'.

With the end of Wednesday (and to some extent today), my weekly grind is over and I'm somewhat on cruise control.  I still have not been able to enjoy a Thursday off though.  Maybe it'll happen some day.  More tomorrow.

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