Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 117: Con-vention

(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/4. 1/30, ISO 800)

Apologies on the lateness, been kept busy the last few days by exams and errands.

Tuesday afternoon brought with it the third exam.  History!  Of course, in typical student fashion I procrastinated.  For the most part, it went well - though I have never written a History exam with so few days in it in my life.  

Being somewhat of a smaller university space-wise, Ryerson holds some of its exams at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, located further south of campus.  Thankfully, the location is commuter friendly; although I have to walk for a good ten to fifteen minutes from the subway station to get there.  For me personally, I don't like writing my exams there.  It's harder to keep track of your belongings (I personally think it'd be pretty easy to take someone else's bag and walk out with it), and I find it tends to be noisier.  They also assign two students to a table, usually writing different subjects so you might get unlucky and get seated with someone who has a nagging habit or just plain sucks.  Of course, you could also land an friendly and attractive member of the opposite sex to share a brief chat with.  Unfortunately, I have not.

After the exam, I made my way back to school for another overnight session with some of my BTM buddies.  When I arrived, we decided to break for food.  Fine by me, I was hungry at that point anyway.  Now, I was not paid in any way by Quiznos to say this, nor am I a member of their organization, but holy shit - that promotion that they're running with the prime rib sub?  Godsend.  It beats the living crap out of Subway's steak and cheese.  Waaaaaaay out.  I still love Subway, but man... when I am downtown I have pretty much all but converted to Quiznos.  If you haven't had one of those subs, do so now before the promotion ends on May 2. 

Upon getting back, we ate and studied right up until midnight for what would be our final exam: Marketing. 

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