Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 169: Rain, Rain, Go Away

(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/8, 1/50, ISO 800)

T'was the Friday before the softball game on Saturday and the forecast called for, of course - thunderstorms!  Woohoo, just great.  Rain wasn't that bad - if it was light enough and didn't accumulate on the infield, the game would likely still be played.  Lightning on the other hand, was an entirely different story.  That's not exactly something you could brush off your shoulders.  With thunder storms though, there usually also incredibly heavy rain... so it's kinda like two stones killing one bird. 

Nonetheless, to avoid last week's foul up, I just opted to pack all my stuff and decided that I would be there, and be there early regardless of what the weather was.  Thankfully the umbrella was never needed, at least not during the game.  More on that in the next post.

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