Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 215: Xs and Ps

(Nikon D90, 35mm DX, f/2.8, 1/25, ISO 200)

You knew it was coming (if you've been reading this blog).  The inevitable "laptop" picture.  Spent most of this day pushing X and P, which in Lightroom are hotkeys for selecting 'Reject' or 'Pick' for photos.  Most of the time I press X, in order to slim down the number of pictures that I have, often times picking out one particular frame from a burst.  Usually only about 25% of the photos that I take on a given day survive this process.  The rest get dumped, into the land of nothingness, known as the Recycling Bin on PCs.

This process in particular takes a little longer when one shoots over a dozen games in the span of three days.  I already have trouble with one or two over a weekend... so when I get six times that load, well... you've already seen.  It takes about two and a half weeks to clear up such a backlog.

Granted, there was a lot to talk about for Formosan, and there may still be a little bit extra.  Never really spent much time talking about the photo process behind it.  Hopefully I'll get to that in the next post.

More to come.

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